Hi, Jamie Swanson here. I’m a professional photographer and I started from the bottom just like you. Today I teach 70,000 photographers how to set their prices and run their business every month. And I want to show you a system that makes setting profitable, accurate prices a breeze.
Here’s what I have for you:
- A unique pricing system that does all the math for you
- It gives you profitable prices so you can reach your yearly income goals
- It’s super flexible for any mix of photography you do including portraits and weddings
- And it lets you easily adjust as you change or grow your business
If you want profitable and accurate prices that let you reach your income goals, this pricing system may be for you.
And if you have very little time, and no desire to do all the math required, it might be perfect for you.
But first understand that there are lots of photographers who are already charging their clients $750, $1,500, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, even $6,000 and more!
…For portraits, weddings, and many other types of shoots.
You might not pay those prices, but it’s happening all around you.
You might think your market won’t pay those prices. But are you absolutely sure?
Have you actually tested higher prices?
Lets say (for fun) that you have tested higher prices, and potential clients didn’t book you.
If that’s really the case, and you’re really getting serious about your business, then target people with more cash that value your work.
But get out there and test higher, accurate prices immediately with your current market.
You’d be pleasantly surprised.
Now, if you want to take baby steps, and maybe you want to hone your chops first, then I’ve got the perfect solution for you…
It’s called the “Portfolio Building Discount”
First, set accurate prices that let you make the exact amount of profit you want.
(I’ll show you how to do that in just a second.)
Then give your first client 60% off your full, accurate, goal-hitting prices. Your next client gets 55% off, the one after that 50%, and so on until you’re charging your full price!
And by that time, you WILL be worth your prices!
Tell your client: “This is my full price, but if you decide to work with me now, I’ll give you this awesome discount for helping me build my portfolio. But you’ll never get this opportunity again because my prices will go up.”
And what’s going to happen? They’ll see your real value, and they’ll snatch up that deal fast!
So they get a sweet discount. And you get to build an awesome portfolio plus hone your chops at the same time.
And slowly but surely, you’re increasing your prices until you get to full price.
It’s really that simple.
But you can’t set just any high price. You have to be accurate. This isn’t about gauging your clients. It’s about being honest. To them and to yourself.
So how can you set prices that you can be confident in? Prices that help you reach your specific goals?
The Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook
It’s based on my super popular pricing guide series. In fact, it’s the all-time most popular resource on my my site. And now you can get 100% of the benefits, with only 5% of the work.
You’ll do absolutely no math. Fact is, I’ve already done all the hard work for you.
You see, I have a Mathematics degree, and I worked a corporate job doing pricing models (working with literally millions of lines of data).
So I have real-life experience figuring out accurate and profitable pricing.
And that job even helped me become an Excel dork. I now know it so well that I can re-program it’s brain!
Combine that with my experience running a successful photography business, and you have the ideal person to create a pricing system that helps you reach your income goals faster.
That’s why I created The Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook.
It’s an Excel workbook divided into different worksheets (tabs).
Here’s how it works:
Let’s start having fun right away with the “Personal Profit” tab.
Start thinking, right now, of everything you want to pay for with your profits. And plug those numbers into monthly and yearly expenses in the workbook.
Things like all your bills and any extra cash you want for fun.
You can also plug in things like vacation money, Christmas gift money, yearly car insurance, and even money you want for the unexpected.
Maybe you want money to pay for a car, or maybe you just want $1000 a year to pay for year-end vacations. Maybe you want to pay off student loans. Or maybe you want enough cash to make sure you’ll have everything covered when you leave your job and go full time.
Whatever your goal is, you can plan for it with this workbook.
And the great part is that it’s super easy to create different pricing models.
So you might do a realistic pricing model for your current situation. One that you know you can achieve and grow from there.
And then you might do an ultimate-goal pricing model for where you want to be at in the future.
Remember: you can take baby steps using the “Portfolio Building Discount” strategy I gave you before. So everything is doable.
Once you’re done, you’ll see exactly how much profit you need at the end of the year. And the workbook will use this number to calculate your pricing going forward.
So it’s super easy, really fun, and there’s no math. How cool is that?
You’ll notice that the workbook comes with examples to help you think of everything. You can add more things, and delete what doesn’t apply to you.
And if you want to take into account additional income (like your day job, second-shooting, or your spouse’s income), simply put it down as a negative number under Monthly Expenses. Easy!
Now we’ll make sure that your prices have your profits and your costs covered.
Enter the name for ALL the different types of shoots you do. And then enter the expenses you have for each.
It’s flexible enough for any mix of photography you do.
So if you’re doing just portraits, or just weddings, or if you’re doing a mix of both, or any other type of shoot – this pricing system will work for you.
That’s something you won’t see anywhere else.
You can even determine prices for your services (like graphic design) by putting them down as a type of shoot.
This system fits your needs and your business model.
We’ll also take into account any yearly business expenses you have. Things like: new gear, business license, and website hosting. So no expense will escape you.
And once you’re done, you’ll see your total fixed expenses, and total expenses per shoot for all the different kinds of shoots you do.
Again, super easy and no math. And all data we’ll use for the next step…
Next, we’ll let the workbook calculate a couple of key numbers that are crucial in determining accurate prices.
Here’s where lots of people who DON’T have the workbook give up. Why? Because this part is especially math-intensive. If you try to do it manually, you need to deal with big formulas and different calculations. And it’s easy to make mistakes.
But with the workbook, this step is much simpler.
Take a look:
Visualize how many hours you want to work per week. And plug it in. Think about how many weeks off you want per year. Plug it in. Find out what your highest income tax rate is. Plug it in.
Easy? Check. Accurate? Check.
This automatically gets you your hourly shooting rate, and your hourly rate for non-shooting work.
And that’s great because the workbook will use these two numbers to calculate product and package pricing a little bit later.
So you’ll do zero difficult, strenuous math. And everything is calculated for you automatically behind the scenes. PLUS, you get fair and accurate prices. It’s almost magical!
On the same tab…
The workbook automatically puts the different shoots you previously entered on Row 15.
And you’ll simply plug in the average hours of shooting for each. Then enter how many of each you plan to book per year.
You might choose your ideal work balance. So you’re happy and not overworked.
This will automatically calculate the average dollar amount needed from each type of shoot to make sure you reach your desired annual profit.
(We’ll use this number a little later.)
But get this: you dictate how many of each type of shoot you’ll book per year. And when you hit that number, and charge the prices provided by this system, you’ll know you have enough to reach your goals!
So no more worrying if you’re booking enough shoots to cover your bills or reach your goals.
With this system, you know for sure.
And the workbook is always tracking previous calculations to use in the next step. That’s really convenient because it’s one less thing you need to do.
Nice right? All you do is plug information in, and then go to the next step…
In this tab, we’ll discover the price you need to charge for each product you offer.
No more wondering if you’re losing money.
And no more wondering if it’s worth your time.
You see, we’re going to take into account time (your most valuable asset) into your final prices:
- Enter the name of all the products and collections you plan to offer in Column A
- Then plug in the total cost it takes to deliver each in Column B
- Then plug in the total time (in hours) it takes to produce and deliver in Column C
This will AUTOMATICALLY get you your suggested retail price – the price that makes every product worth your while.
And based on the suggested retail price, you’ll choose the actual price you’ll charge your customer. I suggest you round up to make the prices more attractive.
The “Retail Less Costs of Goods” number you see in Column F is important for the next step. However, you don’t need to think about it. Remember, the worksheet keeps track of everything from one step to the next – and automatically calculates the numbers for you!
Now lets build your packages…
This tab is a blast because it’s completely personalized to your choices.
It’s also one of the most convenient, because it’s yet another step that’s super math-intensive. But you won’t do any math with this workbook! So you’ll save loads of time and effort.
Take a look at the screenshot above. In Row 6, you enter the name of the package you want to create.
Then, in Row 7, you’ll see a drop down list where you can choose from one of the types of shoots you created previously. It’s ready for you. This will automatically pull up the target amount needed to make sure this package is helping you reach your goals (Row 24).
Remember, the workbook keeps track of everything behind the scenes for you.
Next, if you want to add a session fee, do it on Row 8. Then add all the products and collections you want to include in this package (Starting on Row 9).
And it’s super easy to do because each of these cells contains a drop down list of the products you previously created. So really convenient.
As you continue adding products, you’ll notice that the “amount in package” (Row 25) changes.
Your goal here is to get this “amount in package” (Row 25) equal to or greater than the “amount needed” (Row 24).
This will make sure that (with every single shoot you do and every single package you offer) you’re making enough cash to reach your income goals!
Then, your workbook will automatically give you your “Total Retail Cost” (the amount you need to charge for this package) on Row 27. Easy!
Now you can see why this workbook is the easiest, fastest way to create packages with fair, accurate, and profitable prices.
And you never did any math.
Plus – Don’t Lose Another Dime
To PayPal Or Credit Cards!
This bonus tab, called “PayPal-Adjusted Prices,” lets you easily adjust your prices for PayPal and Credit Card fees.
And it’s really easy to use. Again, everything is calculated for you.
Did you know that it is against US Law to charge an extra fee over your retail price to clients who pay by credit card instead of cash or check?
That’s why this tab lets you build payment processing fees into ALL your prices. So you don’t break the law and you don’t lose money. (Which can be a big chunk.)
So now you can accept PayPal or Credit Cards without cringing over the fees. And you’ll reap all the benefits because people who buy on credit spend more money!
That means more cash for you.
(NOTE: This step is NOT included in my pricing guide series. You can only get it with my workbook)
I thought of everything for you. All you have to do is follow along and you’ll get personalized, accurate prices that let you hit your goals.
This Workbook Will Help Your Reach Your Goals Faster Because…
- You’ll know the exact prices for all the products, packages, and services you offer
- And, you’ll know exactly how many of each type of shoot you need to book per year
- All of this calculated precisely to make sure you reach your specific income goals
Just book the amount of shoots said you wanted to book. And charge the prices you’ve been provided – and you’ll be sure to reach your specific income goals.
So once you’ve gone through this system, everything will be crystal clear.
And when you can see everything clearly, and I mean know exactly how many shoots to book and exact prices for everything, you WILL go for it!
And once you get the ball rolling, that momentum pulls you to get anything else that’s needed into place so you can hit your goals faster than you ever thought possible!
But This Pricing System Isn’t For Everyone
- If you already have accurate prices that cover all your costs and get you all the profit you want, then you don’t need this pricing system.
- If you’re looking for a magic bullet, something that’s going to give you all the answers, without you taking the slightest effort to think about your business and plug in a couple of numbers, then this workbook isn’t for you.
- And if you don’t have Excel 2002 or higher and you don’t want to get it – sorry, I can’t help you either.
Honestly, I don’t want every photographer under the sun to have this workbook. Just the people who I know will take it, run with it, and get tons of value out of it!
The Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook
Is For You If…
This workbook is for photographers that are serious about their business, and serious about reaching their goals. It’s for people who want to do it right. Those folks that want accurate prices that cover all costs and give plenty of profits.
- If you are looking for a shortcut to reach your goals
- If you have very little time, and no desire to do the math required to get accurate prices
- But you’re willing to put in some effort in evaluating your business and plugging in some numbers
- All to find out what it takes to reach your dreams
- And if you’re motivated enough to reach for your goals once exact numbers are clearly laid out for you
… Then the Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook is created just for you.
Please Note: Microsoft Excel 2002 Or Higher or Open Office Is Required
Only Excel or Open Office are powerful enough to manipulate all the information and do all the calculations necessary to get you accurate prices without you doing any math. Mac Numbers, Google Spreadsheets, and other softwares simply are not powerful enough to make this work correctly.
The best part is that it’s really easy to use, and my workbook is completely streamlined.
So if you can point, click, and type, you’ll be able to use it. Even if you have no experience with Excel or Open Office whatsoever.
And if you don’t have it, get it. It’s totally worth it!
10 Reasons Why This Pricing System Is Different Than Any Other You’ll Find
I take pride in creating high quality products that truly help photographers get what they want.
That’s why this is the ONLY pricing system that does all of this in one place:
- It does all the math for you – so that everything is easy, fun, and there are no calculation errors
- It’s super flexible for any mix of photography you do – including portraits and weddings
- You can easily and quickly adjust as your business changes or grows (no pulling out the calculator again, or ever!)
- It lets you easily take into account additional income like your day job, second-shooting, or your spouse’s income
- No random multipliers to come up with, this is real-world pricing
- You can quickly and easily create product packages with fair, accurate, and profitable prices
- AND it gives you clear booking-goals to reach for – like how many portraits, and how many weddings you need to book per year
- AND it gives you exact, profitable prices for every product, collection, and service you offer – even graphic design, and other services you provide
- All so you can reach your specific goals as fast as possible
- Plus, you can easily adjust your prices for PayPal and Credit Card fees – so you
stop losing money
The Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook is the only pricing system where you can get all of this in one place.
And you can get everything today for just $149.
14-Day No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee
I want to prove to you that the Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook is the best way to set your prices. So I’m giving you a full 14 days to try it out and decide if you want to keep it.
If you don’t get accurate and profitable prices and you aren’t on your way to hitting your goals, just let me know and I will personally refund 100% of your money back. No questions asked.
I’m so confident in this workbook that I’m putting this awesome guarantee behind it.
Click “Add to Cart” To Get The Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook Now
Here’s Why You Need
This Pricing System RIGHT NOW
I created this workbook because I wanted to leave my day job and do photography full time.
And the workbook helped us plan so well that, not only did I leave my day job, but we replaced our entire family’s income. So now both my husband and I get to do photography full time.
That really makes me happy because we really enjoy it.
We actually hoped to get there in 9 months. But the workbook helped us see that we needed one more year to get exactly where we wanted to be.
So it took us 1 year and 9 months, but we I did it with no stress. I didn’t wonder if I could cover my expenses, I KNEW I could.
And it doesn’t matter if you want to leave your day job. Or if you want to make sure you’re not losing money. Or if you want to make more money to do whatever you want.
It doesn’t even matter if you’re just starting your business, or if you’ve already got some experience under your belt.
This workbook is flexible enough for whatever situation you’re in and whatever your goals are.
The only thing that matters is that you know what you want out of your business, and that you have the ambition to go get it. And I know you do, you wouldn’t be right here, right now, reading this if you didn’t.
But you need to take action right now.
Because if you wait, a day, a week, 2 weeks – your life is going to pass you by! How many times have you said “I’ll do it later” and you never got around to it?
Think about what you really want, your ultimate goals with your business.
If you don’t get this workbook now, that’s all they’ll ever be, frustrated dreams.
And every day that passes without you setting accurate prices is a day you’re leaving money on the table. Think of how many thousands of dollars you’re losing out on right now.
That’s why you need to take the small first step and get the Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook now.
And this workbook is your key! It’s the shortcut that makes setting profitable prices easy and provides the momentum needed to pull you towards your goals faster, and with much less stress.
So take the first step to reaching your goals and get my workbook now.
P.S. Remember, you’re getting 14 days. If it doesn’t do exactly what I promised, just let me know and I’ll promptly give you a full refund. You have absolutely nothing to lose. You’re safe. You can reach your goals. So take the first step and get my workbook now.
P.P.S. Did you know that when you’re completely confident in your prices, potential clients can FEEL it and it makes it much easier for them to buy? That’s what my workbook gets you.