Best of the Rest: How to Get More Photography Clients

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Your voice has been heard.

I’ve been sifting through the answers to the super-quick survey I posted last week, and it’s been incredibly awesome and eye-opening. Thank you profusely if you took a minute to answer the 5 questions for me (and if you didn’t, it’s not too late to speak up. I value what you think more than you know).

The most common thing I’m seeing? You want more clients.

Getting pricing relief is great, but it doesn’t matter how much you’re charging if no one even asks or inquires.

Many of you are doing photography part-time or just thinking about it, and you simply don’t have the time or money to do the marketing that you need to be doing in order to get the clients you want.

So this week I’ve decided to post some of my favorite resources from around the web that talk about getting more clients. I want to help as many of you as possible right now, so I thought that a collection of resources would be a great way to start.

Resources For Getting More Clients

Grab a cup of coffee – there’s a lot of amazing stuff to learn here and you’ll want to digest it properly.

55 Smart Web Ideas for Photography

This is a newly released ebook by Zach Prez that I won on his Facebook fan page (woot woot!). It’s fan-stinking-tastic in that it has 55 relevant ideas, each with easy take-aways for each idea about how to implement them. Plus the introduction alone is filled with solid advice that should be followed – it’s like bonus material!

The ebook is separated into 5 main sections, and I think the 4th section is the most powerful client retainer & generator out there for portrait photographers that almost all photographers I know ignore or discredit. In my opinion, it’s the secret weapon to success when used correctly, and no it isn’t just in-person sales meetings.

Note: If you decide to buy the ebook, I’d appreciate it if you used the link above. I get a referral fee from it, which is a great way to say “thank you” to me for sharing it with you. If you’re uncomfortable with that, feel free to google it and buy it that way – either way I think you’d find this to be a helpful resource and I’d hate for you to pass it up because it’s an affiliate link.

What Pottery Barn Teaches Us About Subtle Sales & The Secret to Creating Profitable Promotions
(2 Separate Posts)

Psychology for Photographers is my new favorite photography business blog. While both of these articles have titles about sales, they’re really about attracting new clients and are most certainly worth a read. Really fabulous stuff here.

Here is a Method That is Helping Photographers Book More Clients

This simple addition to your website is an easy way to get more of your visitors to turn into clients.

I live in a tiny town. Is it possible to have a business where there are less than 2,000 people??

Alicia hits the nail on the head with this fabulous post about small towns and businesses.

3 Sweet Reasons to Connect Locally on Facebook

This post talks about how to get more client referrals from networking with other local businesses, even if they aren’t related to photography.

Celebration Time!

This past week we hit two major milestones for the blog: we got our first 1000 Facebook Fans and we also got our first 1000 people to follow us via email (in fact we blew past that milestone with email followers without looking back!) WOOT WOOT! You guys rock!

To celebrate these milestones, I’m offering you 35% off both the Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook and our Photography Client Questionnaire Library, which has been updated to include three different versions of the questionnaires (Word, PDF, and Gravity Forms for easy integration into your website). Questionnaires make doing businesses so much easier and give you happier clients, so I highly suggest snagging them now at their reduced price!

The sale lasts until Friday (2/10/12) at Midnight MST, so pick them up now!

